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Inu-yasha is my absolute favorite anime of ALL time!!!
Scroll down for more info.

The Story
Well....this might take awhile. Hmmm... how should i explain??? Ok ok! i got it!! I'm not very good at explaining but oh well...

This girl Kagome...she get pulled down this magical old well..and goes back to the feudal japan...there she meets Inu-yasha who has been sealed on a tree for 60 years. He wakes up after catching Kagomes scent or whatever..Kagome unseals him in-order to save her life from the lady-cendipede. Kagome realises that she has had this jewel inside of her body and that she is an incarnation of some priestess. Later on in this story after Inu-yasha kills the lady cendipede. Then....Kagome shatters the jewel...or the jewel of the four souls. Hench forth Kagome and Inu-yasha go on a jorney to find all the jewel shards...on their journey they make many freinds and defeat many monsters...and the story continues....

There are the main characters..Inu-yasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo...i guess Myoga can be in there. Then there are others that they meet on their journey....Kouga for one, To-To Sai..and others... then of course their is all the bad dudes...Naraku, Kagura, Kanna...and all of Naraku's detatchments...um...Sesshoumaru...but hes really not all that bad! He's my Fav. Character!
There are others but i really don't have the time to name every little person that they meet!

Inu-Yasha in Japan
In Japan..i think Inu-yasha is pretty popular..So far in Japan they have finished the series!! T_T It's about 167 eps. long total. O_O I have them all too hee hee. And there are many books...i'm not sure how many...but alot! Then there is mercendise...plush dolls, cards, candy, food, and i could go on for hours!

Inu-yasha in the United States
Inu-yasha in the U.S is even very popular! There has been episodes on Cartoon Network...about 60 i would say, I really dont know the number. I personally hate the english verson of the IY episodes. The Japanese verson is MUCH better! First of all, they pronoce most of the names wrong! For example..Kouga...they pronoce and spell it like this: Koga!!! KOGA! can you believe that?!?! it makes me SO mad! well....i shouldn't be talking about this at the moment so i will continue..books....there are 20 books out at the moment. There is plenty of IY mercendice in the U.S too! Cards, DVD's....etc. And T-shirts (they are pretty popular now)

My view on Inu-yasha
To be honest Inu-yasha and anime is the best thing that ever happened to me! I love other things but anime is the best out of everything. It just rocks! but of course i have to thank someone for introducing me to anime and that would be my step-sister, Jenneva. She is the one who picked up the first Imu-yasha book in her library. But before i knew about anime i liked pokemon but that doesn't count! hee hee...thats all i have to say!
"Watashi wa Inu-yasha ga die ski des!"
